Introducing the 2023 “Michael Edition”

To celebrate Michael’s birthday on the 22nd of February, Zelda published a new and improved version of I Want To Kiss You in Public. The 2023 edition was polished with care, proofread again by a professional, and benefits from an improved formatting. It also contains a few minor changes, but the story remains 100% the same. The final chapter also contains a small surprise. đź‘€

“Do I already have it?”

There’s no need to download this re-edition if you bought your book after the 9th of July 2023, when the latest version of The Michael Edition was released on Amazon and other retailers. Same if you own the version with the new cover (with ISBN 9781739686451 written on the copyright page).

For the others: To find out if which version you own, check out the copyright page at the very beginning of your book. If it doesn’t say “09072023 – The Michael Edition,” it means you own a previous version.

How to Download

People who purchased the book straight from Amazon can head over to their “Content and Devices” tab in their Amazon account settings. Search for the book there and update it. But people who once borrowed it with their Kindle Unlimited subscription might face some issues, so:

You can download the book directly from me here (classic edition with original cover) or here (int. edition with new cover).


This novel is free on this website, but you might see it available for purchase on other platforms. Why? I’ve been struggling with sales for a while, so I’m running tests. It seems that offering a book for free devalues it, so I’m pricing it differently on diverse platforms to reach new readers. If you see it on a retailer and don’t want to pay for it, don’t use a pirate website, just use the links above.

Books purchased on Amazon or Apple (etc) undergo a special conversion, as opposed to downloading the file directly from this website. That means the formatting (pretty titles, text messages etc) may appear slightly different, and not as originally intended. Try opening the file using a third-party reading app, that might resolve the problem.