The Colette series isn’t over, but the next installments might take a long time to come out. I’m not comfortable talking release dates in public anymore, so I won’t let you know about new books until they’re pretty much ready to come out.
All I can say at this point is this: He Looks So Fine was the darkest entry in the series, and future stories will be brighter, with its signature style and humour. Since the series were partly inspired by Japanese anime — which was my personal escape when I was in high school — there will always be a surreal and absurd element to these books.
If you want to be kept up to date with the next releases, sign up to my newsletter, The Reading Nook. Tick the Colette International box if you only receive emails about this specific series. Thank you for your support!
The school is fictional, but if it existed, the address would be Rue des Ecoles, 75005 Paris. The 5th district clearly is very dear to me, and this is where you’ll find me if I ever move to Paris.
Louis & Michael: #MiLo
Zak & Eric: #Zeric
Alberto & Mathias: #Althias
Louis: April 24th 1990
Michael: February 22nd 1990
Zak: January 15th 1994
Eric: October 19th 1993
Alberto: January 4th 1993
Mathias: May 31th 1992
If you haven’t read Eric’s diary yet, you should get it.
Eric met Zak after football practice when Zak was on his way to perform “that Shakespeare thing they botched in April”, which explains why he was wearing a feathery hat.
You know what? You decide! 😉